Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The things left unsaid...for now

I've titled, written and deleted about five different posts this morning.

How do I say what I really want to say without offending? I can't. So, I write, delete and try again.

There are things that are best left unsaid. Some of them are best left unsaid forever. Some are best left unsaid for a period of time.

Will I ever say what I want to say at this moment? I don't know. Probably. Possibly.

But for now, I'll leave things unsaid. 

Or not.

There are two words I'm struggling with at this moment.

The first word is family. This is the definition I mean when I use the term family: 3. A group of persons sharing common ancestry.

The second word that is weighing heavy on my heart today is exclusion. A keeping apart.

In my heart, I believe that anytime the second word is used the first word is voided. 

These two words void out the other when used together. 

Maybe I did finally say what has been weighing heavily on my heart for so long now. 

When exclusion is practiced, there is no family.

A family has no desire for exclusion.

You can't have both. You can have one or the other. But not both.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I had morning coffee with Jody just now...and could not agree more. I have felt exclusion from family members and there is almost no other hurt that can run so deep. I hope that you are not hurting. You know where to find me if you need a frined.
