Friday, July 27, 2012

The sinkable undone tasks

It doesn't matter what hobby or profession one pursues, it's very easy to discover that there's a lot of "i"s to be dotted and "t"s to be crossed.

If we dot and cross those letters as they appear they do not seem unreasonable. You don't look at them as if you're supposed to wash the Empire State Building, top to bottom, in an hour. Even a week would seem impossible. Just having that job is enough to make one want to rip their hair out of their head. 

Today I realized that I have over 1500 people to organize and determine what documents I still need for them and then put them in a system that makes sense. The paper copies. Remember, even if we scan everything into a digital file, we still have to keep those paper documents somewhere. 

I'm ten to twenty three ring binders short of being able to organize things into a system that might make sense. 

Anyway, I'm off to start. I have an idea. We'll see if it works. Sigh. Why didn't I do this from ancestor one? 

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