Saturday, July 14, 2012

The click of the camera

My great uncle Glen Birdsell wrote a 12 page story about his life in 1983.

I still savor all the tidbits he wrote about his siblings (my grandfather was his oldest brother), his parents, his grandparents, all the relatives who have gone on. Some of them were gone long before my birth. Some of them I knew for only a brief time before they joined their ancestors. Some of them I knew for years, decades.

The one thing he said that has stuck with me: When I was small, life seemed to be unending and now it has just been like the click of the camera.

I remember the unending days of my childhood. While I hope the camera isn't ready to click on my life just yet, I've seen so many where the click of the camera has happened.

My mother's parents are gone. Her two siblings are gone. My mother is gone. We are the oldest generation left as the direct descendants of Denzil and Esther Shane Knight.

My father's parents are gone. His sister is gone. He is gone. He has one brother left who is very ill.

As children we can't wait until we can sit at the adult table at family gatherings.

What I had never considered once I got to the adult table was the day when my generation would be the oldest generation at the adult table.

That is not near as exciting as just reaching the age to sit at the adult table. 

The camera is clicking. It has clicked for everyone who was in the above picture. Plus so many who weren't even born yet when the picture displayed was taken. Sobering when you realize the picture is only 101 years old.

Don't put off seeing those in your family and extended family. You never know

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