Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Let's play nice

It's an election year. Things get ugly. They always do. That doesn't mean we have to be ugly to each other.

Today I "unfriended" someone on FaceBook. It's the second time I did so and for the same reason. This person has a tendency to make posts that degrade everyone who doesn't believe as they do. I could live with posts that classified those who didn't agree with them as being stupid. Okay, it was a little irritating, but I could live with it.

The straw that broke my back was the post that basically said all who did not believe as this person believes is Hitler like. What? Hold on. That's crossing a line. That's going way too far.

It was in the late 70s there was a sign on the road north of Beloit, Kansas. I believe it was a sign from Farm Bureau. It simply said, "United we stand, Divided we fall." I was barely 20, if even that, and I remember seeing it and thinking that it was so obvious why would they have to put up a sign like that. It struck me in a way that I've never forgotten it. That's why in 2012 I can still remember it.

It was so obvious. Who in their right mind wouldn't know that a united front is always stronger than a divided front?

Us. That's who. At least today we don't know it.

It's why our politicians love playing one party against the other. As long as they can keep us divided the few of them can win. And they are winning.

We're losing and just as importantly, our country is losing.

This is not what our ancestors fought for in the Revolutionary War. It's not what they fought for in the Civil War. It's not what they fought for in WWI. It's not what they fought for in WWII. It's not why they went to Viet Nam. It's not why they went to Desert Storm. It's not why they were in Iraq and are still in Afghanistan.

They did all those wars so those of us at home can be free.

We're handing our freedom to our politicians by allowing them to divide us. Does it matter which party is in the White House or controls the House or the Senate if the results are the same? The only difference I see between the two parties is the rate of speed we're handing them our freedoms.

Every time we call someone a liberal or a conservative we're dehumanizing a whole group with one word. It's war 101.

In war no one picks up arms against a father, husband, brother, uncle, son, etc. But they will do so willingly against a Jap, Spic, Kraut, Rebel, Savage, etc., etc., etc.

It's up to us to stop the divide. It's up to us to stop using the labels that takes away each person's humanity. It's up to us to learn how to be united again.

No, we don't have to agree on every issue. Where's the fun in that. But if we can't talk nice to each other, if we can't treat each other with respect, maybe we're getting exactly what we deserve. Maybe we've passed the apex and maybe humanity is something we can only find in our history.

Question the politician's beliefs. Question their sanity. I don't care. They put themselves in the spot light. But to question and insult someone just because they believe a politician can do a better or not as bad a job as their opponent is not doing anything good for us as humans or us as a country.

Grow up America. You're acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. Stop putting everyone you know into one group or another. Stop labeling. Start acting like we have something in common. We do. We have a rich history, some of it wonderful and some of it not so wonderful.

Let's all play nice with each other. The truth is, the politicians are badmouthing each other in front of us, but they socialize with each other. Put your venom where it belongs, on those writing the laws, not on those who have to live with those stupid laws.

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