Sunday, February 19, 2012


Life is full of changes.

Not only are we learning to live life without Thor, we've gotten a puppy. He's not Thor, but he keeps us busy, busy, busy. Ernie, our surviving dog isn't too sure about our new dog, Bert. But in time, she'll adjust to him. I know right now she misses Thor terribly.

But those aren't the only changes in our life. There's the change of me being home now. That's a good change.

We're also giving new things besides a puppy a try.

Our latest is the way we eat. This has been a gradual thing. We do like to grow a garden and eat our harvest from the garden. Then we were able to share in some wonderful grass fed beef for our freezer.

Then I happened to watch this video. It's 17 minutes long, but worth the time. After watching the video, I started thinking...hum, I don't have the problems she had, but seriously, it can't hurt me to adapt closer to what she does. Then the other day I wanted to find some recipes for Paleo eating. If found this website. A ton of recipes. And information all over the place. I know some will think I've lost my mind. Oh well. So be it. It's my choice to decide how I want to do things in my life. That's one of the advantages of being an adult. I do get to make a few decisions about my life at times.

Roger and I have been eating pretty close to Paleo for close to a week now. Can we tell a difference? Of course we can. Not only that, when we went to pick up our new puppy, we stopped at a Hardee's to grab a burger for each of us and Ernie. We only planned to eat the meat, not the bun. The meat was so horrible we could barely eat it and Ernie wouldn't eat her's. Once we got Bert and came back home, we have gone back to eating Paleo.

Let me just say this, the food not only tastes great, it looks great on the plate. All the colors. I'm cooking food that looks good and tastes great.

I will admit, I still would love to finish the day off with something sweet and chocolatey, but for the most part, I've been good and not indulged.

After I get past the sugar cravings, I do want to do this. There are several places that have the 30 day challenge. If any of my friends would like to do this, let me know and we can start it together and give each other support. The 30 day challenge is more restrictive than most Paleo plans. I'm not going to call it a diet, because it's not really a diet. It's a lifestyle choice. It's not for everyone. If it's not, don't worry about it, I'll still be your friend. :-) But if you'd like to try this with us, let me know and we'll pick a start date and have fun with it.

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